Northern Alliance
Since leaving her clan, Magnilde has roamed the lands surrounding the Abyss, determined to prove loyalty to her god, Korgaan,... Läs mer
There are Naiad populations spread all over the world, even beneath the polar ice. These beings have adapted to colder climat... Läs mer
Resin Monster and rider with 75mm base. Fits into the new Titan category of unit type. Läs mer
The most fearless, or deranged, Lords or Thegns hunt alone for sport to prove their right to lead and their skill in the hunt... Läs mer
Clansmen from across the wild lands learn to hunt not long after they learn to walk. While the Ice Kin favour the bow their h... Läs mer
These elementals are a rarity in Pannithor, able to be summoned only in the frozen northern realms. Sustained by the magic of... Läs mer
1 Plastic and Resin model that fits into the new Titan category unit type. Läs mer
The humans of the north are tougher and stronger than those in the south. They regularly take to the battlefield hefting grea... Läs mer